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MDNR Report

Egg CollectionEgg Collection

It’s simple math really: Zero eggs equals zero fish for future stocking programs.

So, the spring walleye and steelhead egg collections by the Michigan DNR are critical components of the strategy for maintaining world-class fishing opportunities in the Great Lakes State.

Walleye fishing (and the fish fries that follow) is a quintessential part of Midwest culture. Whereas this species does reproduce naturally in some large rivers and northern Michigan lakes, many of the popular walleye fisheries in the state are dependent on stocking. The DNR uses two donor populations to supply the eggs for statewide stocking programs.

Lower Peninsula – Muskegon River

The DNR’s 2024 walleye egg collection efforts began on the Muskegon River on March 26. Personnel from the Southern Lake Michigan and Central Lake Michigan management units used an electrofishing boat to capture adult walleye downstream of Croton Dam in Newaygo County.

Walleye were transported to holding pens at the Pine Street boating access site, where a fish-processing assembly line was created. One Wolf Lake State Fish Hatchery employee stripped eggs from a female walleye into a bowl. Another person collected milt from a male walleye, then added the milt to the bowl to fertilize the eggs. Both male and female walleye were released back into the river after these steps.

A third hatchery worker added the eggs to a bucket where they were mixed with a type of fine clay that coated the eggs and prevented them from clumping together. Next, the eggs were poured into a mesh bag in the river to water-harden for about an hour. This step is crucial as fresh eggs are very fragile.

MDNR Report

Spring Fish KillSpring Fish Kill

After ice and snow cover melt on Michigan lakes this spring, it may be more likely for people to discover dead fish or other aquatic animals. While such sights can be startling, the Michigan DNR reminds everyone that it is normal, since winter conditions can cause fish and other creatures such as turtles, frogs, toads, and crayfish to die.

"Winterkill is the most common type of fish kill," said Jeremiah Blaauw, DNR Fisheries Division biologist. "As the season changes, it can be particularly common in shallow lakes, ponds, streams and canals. These fish deaths are localized and typically do not affect the overall health of the fish populations or fishing quality."

Shallow lakes with excess aquatic vegetation and soft bottoms are more prone to this problem, particularly when a deep snowpack reduces sunlight for the plants. Canals in urban areas also are quite susceptible due to the large amounts of nutrient runoff and pollution from roads and lawns and septic systems that flow into these areas, especially from large storm events. 

By AARON SWITZER, Fish Production Manager, Michigan Fisheries

Michigan HatcheryMichigan Hatchery

With a 2023 state general fund budget appropriation of $30 million, six Michigan DNR fish hatcheries are being improved by updating outdated and aging infrastructure.

Several of the sites have only seen limited updates or upgrades since the late 1970s –facilities and equipment pushing 50 years old. I think about my own body at 50 and often wonder when my body parts are going to fail.

In terms of our critical hatcheries, managers don’t want to be left wondering whether today might be the day that something vital to operations gives out.
Unfortunately, this happened recently, which reduces our ability to fulfill our mission to protect and enhance Michigan’s fisheries.

In the spring and summer of 2021, the Wolf Lake State Fish Hatchery experienced three major power failures. The primary electrical infrastructure failed at three separate points during that time.

Also, the primary electrical distribution system was failing. This was a real wake-up call for the Fisheries Division and the DNR.

Planning had already been underway for a substantial funding request to address the needs for capital improvements at our hatcheries. These failures highlighted the critical need to invest in Michigan’s hatchery infrastructure.

MDNR Report

Though a Michigan hunter reported that he harvested a large animal in Calhoun County in January during a legal coyote hunt, subsequent genetic tests by the Michigan DNR revealed the animal to be a gray wolf.

Michigan’s known wolf population is located in the Upper Peninsula. The department continues to search for wolves in the Lower Peninsula but has found only a few signs of wolf presence in that part of Michigan since the state’s wolf population became reestablished in the 1980s.

This particular wolf was observed when a hunter, engaged in legal coyote hunting accompanied by a guide, said he encountered what was initially believed to be a large coyote. The hunter harvested the animal, which weighed 84 pounds. Eastern coyotes typically weigh between 25 pounds and 40 pounds.

A series of genetic tests on the harvested animal confirmed that it was a gray wolf, a species not sighted in that part of Michigan since the likely extirpation of wolves from the state in the early part of the 20th century. Once present throughout Michigan, wolves are now confined almost exclusively to the Upper Peninsula.

MDNR Report

Whitetail DoeWhitetail Doe

A field study is underway in Alpena County to evaluate the delivery of an oral bovine tuberculosis (bTB) vaccine for wild deer.

The Michigan DNR is collaborating with Michigan State University (MSU) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service-Wildlife Services (USDA-WS) to explore the development of a new, future tool to manage bTB, which could help to further protect wildlife, livestock and the public from this disease.

“We are very excited to explore a potential new tool that can facilitate efforts towards the long-term goal of bTB eradication in Michigan,” said Melinda Cosgrove, Laboratory Scientist Manager with the DNR.

Bovine tuberculosis is an infectious, zoonotic disease affecting both humans and animals. The disease is slow-growing and is primarily spread through respiratory secretions when infected animals expose uninfected animals by nose-to-nose contact or contaminate shared feed and water. In Michigan’s bTB area (which includes Alcona, Alpena, Montmorency, Oscoda and Presque Isle counties), the disease is established in the deer population, and it can be transmitted between deer and cattle.